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File: sauthclass.php

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File: sauthclass.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: A easly way to access control and track user's sessions. Is very easy.
Class: sauth
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 7,695 bytes


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<? /* #: sauth class @@ mArkitos]|) )) ))) */ class sauth { var $_UsernameDb; var $_PasswordDb; var $_HostDb; var $_Database; var $_UsernameSession; var $_PasswordSession; var $_UniqIdSession; var $_DbLink; Function sauth ($ServerName, $UserDb, $PassDb, $DatabaseName) { if ((!$ServerName)||(!$UserDb)||(!$PassDb)||(!$DatabaseName)){ return FALSE; } $this->UsernameDb($UserDb); $this->PasswordDb($PassDb); $this->HostDb($ServerName); $this->Database($DatabaseName); $this->UsernameSession(' '); $this->PasswordSession(' '); $this->UniqIdSession(' '); $this->DbLink(' '); } Function StartSession ($Login, $Password, $ParanoicMode) { if ((!$Login)||(!$Password)){ return FALSE; } $this->UsernameSession($Login); $this->PasswordSession($Password); $Status = $this->ValidateUser(); if ((!$Status)||($Status<1)){ return FALSE; } $UserId = $Status; $Atemp = 1; while (1){ if ($Atemp >= 5){ return FALSE; } $SessionId = $this->GetSessionId(); if (($SessionId) || (strlen ($SessionId)>15)){ break; } $Atemp++; } $this->UniqIdSession($SessionId); $Status = $this->UpdateSessionId($UserId, $ParanoicMode); if (!$Status){ return FALSE; } return $this->UniqIdSession(''); } Function CheckSessionId ($CheckSessionId, $UserIp) { $Fields = "id,timestart,userdataid,paranoical,sessionip"; $Tables = "session"; $Data = array ( "uniqid" => $CheckSessionId ); list ($SessionId, $TimeStartSession, $UserDataId, $IsInParaMode, $RemoteIp) = $this->GetUserData ($Fields, $Tables, $Data); if (($UserDataId < 1)||($TimeStartSession<1)||($SessionId<1)){ return FALSE; } $this->UniqIdSession($CheckSessionId); $Fields = "timeout"; $Tables = "userdata"; $Data = array ( "id" => $UserDataId ); list ($UserTimeOut) = $this->GetUserData ($Fields, $Tables, $Data); $CurrentTime = time(); $SessionTime = $CurrentTime-$TimeStartSession; if ($SessionTime > $UserTimeOut){ $this->DeleteSessionId (); return FALSE; } if ($IsInParaMode==1){ if ($RemoteIp != $UserIp){ return FALSE; } } $this->UpdateTimeSessionId(); return TRUE; } Function ConnectMysql() { $Status = mysql_connect ($this->HostDb(''), $this->UsernameDb(''), $this->PasswordDb('')); if (!$Status){ return FALSE; } $this->DbLink($Status); $Status = mysql_select_db ($this->Database('')); if (!$Status){ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } Function CloseMysql() { if ($this->DbLink('')){ mysql_close ($this->DbLink('')); } return TRUE; } Function ValidateUser() { $Fields = "id"; $Tables = "userdata"; $Data = array ( "name" => $this->UsernameSession(''), "passname" => $this->PasswordSession('') ); list ($Id) = $this->GetUserData ($Fields, $Tables, $Data); if ($Id < 1){ return FALSE; } $Fields = "name, passname"; $Tables = "userdata"; $Data = array ( "id" => "$Id" ); list ($NameUser, $PassUser) = $this->GetUserData ($Fields, $Tables, $Data); if ((ereg("^$NameUser$", $this->UsernameSession('')))&&(ereg("^$PassUser$", $this->PasswordSession('')))){ return $Id; } return FALSE; } Function GetUserData ($Selected, $Table, $Data) { $NumDatas = 0; while (each ($Data)){ $NumDatas++; } if ((!$Selected)|($NumDatas<1)){ return FALSE; } reset ($Data); $Sql = "SELECT $Selected FROM $Table "; if ($NumDatas>0){ $Sql.= "WHERE "; $Counter = 1; while (list ($Key, $Value) = each ($Data)){ $Sql .= $Key."='".$Value."' "; if ($Counter<$NumDatas){ $Sql .= "AND "; } $Counter++; } } $Status = $this->ConnectMysql(); if (!$Status){ return FALSE; } $Query = mysql_query ($Sql, $this->DbLink('')); if (!$Query){ $Status = $this->CloseMysql(); return FALSE; } $Status = mysql_num_rows ($Query); if ($Status < 1){ $Status = $this->CloseMysql(); return FALSE; } $Data = mysql_fetch_row ($Query); $Status = $this->CloseMysql(); return $Data; } Function UpdateSessionId ($UpdateId, $ParanoicMode) { $ParanoicalValue = 0; $ParanoikalIp = 0; if ((!$this->UniqIdSession('')) || (strlen ($this->UniqIdSession(''))<15)){ return FALSE; } $Sql = "INSERT INTO session (id, uniqid, timestart, userdataid, paranoical, sessionip) "; if (($ParanoicMode)&&(ereg("[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+",$ParanoicMode))){ $ParanoicalValue = 1; $ParanoikalIp = $ParanoicMode; unset ($ParanoicMode); } $Sql .= "VALUES ('', '"; $Sql .= $this->UniqIdSession(''); $Sql .= "', '". time(); $Sql .= "', '$UpdateId', '$ParanoicalValue', '$ParanoikalIp')"; $Status = $this->ExecSql ($Sql); if (!$Status){ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } Function ExecSql ($Statment) { $Status = $this->ConnectMysql(); if (!$Status){ return FALSE; } $Query = mysql_query ($Statment); $this->CloseMysql(); if (!$Query){ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } Function GetSessionId() { $NewId = time(); $NewId .= crypt ($NewId); $NewId .= uniqid ($NewId); if ((!$NewId)||(strlen($NewId)<15)){ return FALSE; } $Fields = "id"; $Tables = "session"; $Data = array ( "uniqid" => $NewId ); $Status = $this->GetUserData ($Fields, $Tables, $Data); if (!$Status){ return $NewId; } return FALSE; } Function UpdateTimeSessionId() { $NewTime = time(); $Sql = "UPDATE session SET timestart='$NewTime' WHERE uniqid='"; $Sql .= $this->UniqIdSession(''); $Sql .= "'"; $this->ExecSql ($Sql); return; } Function DeleteSessionId() { $Sql = "DELETE FROM session WHERE uniqid='"; $Sql .= $this->UniqIdSession(''); $Sql .= "'"; $this->ExecSql($Sql); return; } Function UsernameDb ($UDbValue) { if (!$UDbValue){ return $this->_UsernameDb; } $this->_UsernameDb = $UDbValue; return 1; } Function PasswordDb ($PDbValue) { if (!$PDbValue){ return $this->_PasswordDb; } $this->_PasswordDb = $PDbValue; return 1; } Function HostDb ($HDbValue) { if (!$HDbValue){ return $this->_HostDb; } $this->_HostDb = $HDbValue; return 1; } Function Database ($DbValue) { if (!$DbValue){ return $this->_Database; } $this->_Database = $DbValue; return 1; } Function UsernameSession ($UValue) { if (!$UValue){ return $this->_UsernameSession; } $this->_UsernameSession = $UValue; return 1; } Function PasswordSession ($PValue) { if (!$PValue){ return $this->_PasswordSession; } $this->_PasswordSession = $PValue; return 1; } Function UniqIdSession ($SIdValue) { if (!$SIdValue){ return $this->_UniqIdSession; } $this->_UniqIdSession = $SIdValue; return 1; } Function DbLink ($DbLinkValue) { if (!$DbLinkValue){ return $this->_DbLink; } $this->_DbLink = $DbLinkValue; return 1; } } ?>